Customized Animal Tracking Solutions (CATS) tags are small, attachable biologging devices that include tri-axial inertial sensors (accelerometers, magnetometers, gyroscopes), pressure (depth) sensors, cameras, hydrophones, and others. Members of the Goldbogen lab at Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station have developed a constantly evolving toolkit to process CATS tag data. These methods were published in Animal Biotelemetry and presented at BLS7. In December 2020, Dr. David Cade and myself led a 5-day workshop to explain the CATS tag processing workflow to a group of ~50 researchers from around the globe. Follow this link to find example tag data to use with the toolkit.
2020 CATS Workshop Recordings
Day 1 (Main Session)
Day 2 (Introduction) (Main Session)
Day 3 (Main Session)
Day 4 (Main Session)
Day 5 (Main Session)