Curriculum Vitae

 For a complete version of my Curriculum Vitae, please download here

Most Recent (and in review) Journal Publications

1) Daily energetic expenditure and energy consumption of short-finned pilot whales (In Review, Journal of Experimental Biology). Gough, W.T., Madrigal, B., Hollers, A., Currie, J.J., Baird, R.W., West, K., Fahlman, A., Fish, F.E., Evans, L., van Aswegen, M., Stirling, B., Pacini, A., Olson, G.L., Stack, S.H., Walker, W.A., Bejder, L.

2) The secret of bubble-net feeding: how humpback whale morphology distinguishes them from other baleen whales (In Review, Journal of Experimental Biology). Nemeth, N.C., Gough, W.T., Segre, P.S., Fish, F.E., Szabo, A., Fassman, W., Thomson, S., Burrows, J., et al.

3) How deep is your lunch? Inshore South African Bryde’s whales shift attack mode at different depths (In Review, Marine Ecology Progress Series). Di Clemente, J., Segre, P.S., Garagouni, M., Wisniewska, D.M., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., Gough, W.T., Wahlberg, M., Goldbogen, J.A., Penry, G.S., Nabe-Nielsen, J., Elodie, F.B.

4) Solitary humpback whales manufacture bubble-nets as tools to increase prey intake (2024, Royal Society Open Science). Szabo, A., Bejder, L., Warick, H., van Aswegen, M., Friedlaender, A.S., Goldbogen, J., Kendall-Bar, J.M., Leunissen, E.M., Angot, M., Gough, W.T.

5) Spin-leap performance by cetaceans is influenced by moment of inertia (2024, Journal of Experimental Biology). Fish, F.E., Nicastro, A.J., Cardenas, K.L., Segre, P.S., Gough, W.T., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., St. Leger, J., Goldbogen, J.A.

6) Minke whale feeding rate limitations suggest constraints on the minimum body size for engulfment filtration feeding (2023, Nature Ecology & Evolution). Cade, D.E., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., Gough, W.T., Bierlich, K.C., Linsky, J.M.J., Calambokidis, J., Johnston, D.W., Goldbogen, J.A., Friedlaender, A.S.

7) High-speed chases along the seafloor put Bryde’s whales at risk of entanglement (2022, Conservation Science and Practice). Segre, P.S., Di Clemente, J., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., Gough, W.T., Meÿer, M.A., Lombard, A.T., Goldbogen, J.A. and Penry, G.S.

8) Fast and furious: energetic tradeoffs and scaling of high-speed foraging in rorqual whales (2022, Integrative and Organismal Biology) Gough, W.T., Cade, D.E., Czapanskiy, M.F., Potvin, J., Fish, F.E., Kahane-Rapport, S.R., Savoca, M.S., Bierlich, K.C., Johnston, D.W., Friedlaender, A.S., et al.


Marine Mammal Science and Conservation (MBIO 650) (~6 students) – 2023

• University of Hawaii at Manoa (HIMB) led by Dr. Lars Bejder

• Led two days of teaching / training related to the history and modern usage of biologging technologies.

Biologging Tag Data Processing Workshop (~50 attendees) – (2020)

• Stanford University / UC Santa Cruz in collaboration with Dr. David Cade.

• Co-designed / co-instructed a week-long workshop to train members of the scientific community to 1) properly setup and deploy archival biologging tags, 2) process the resulting data into useable formats, and 3) design experiments to answer novel biomechanical, behavioral, or physiological questions.

Biologging and Biotelemetry (BIOHOPK 234H) (~10 students) – (2018)

• Stanford University (Hopkins Marine Station) led by Dr. Jeremy Goldbogen.

• Assisted with class preparation and activities to train students on the proper use and potential utility of biologging devices.

Animal and Plant Physiology (BIO 84) (~40 students) – (2018)

• Stanford University led by Drs. Craig Heller, Robert Sapolsky, and Jose Dinneny.

• Led two weekly discussion sessions to reinforce lecture material focused on multiple physiological processes in plant and animal systems.

• Proctored exams and assisted with grading of all class materials.

Anatomy and Function of Marine Vertebrates (BIOSM 3210) – (2013 – 2014)

• Cornell University (Shoals Marine Laboratory) led by Dr. Frank Fish

• Helped students develop and complete individual, research-based final projects pertaining to multiple marine vertebrate lineages.

• Prepared lab and dissection materials and assisted with grading class materials.

Vertebrate Anatomy, Physiology, and Evolution (BIOEE 2740) – (2013)

• Cornell University led by Dr. Betty McGuire.

• Assisted with lab material preparation and proctoring of laboratory examinations.


Stanford University – Salinas High School Internship Program – (2019 – 2022)

• Co-led design and logistics for a partnered internship between Hopkins Marine Station and Salinas High School.

• Managed pairings of 8-10 high school interns per year with graduate student / post-doctoral mentors.

• Designed final seminars to give interns a chance to present their work to their peers and parents.

Pacific Grove Natural History Museum – Science Saturday – (2019)

• Presented cetacean research to a public audience of adults and children

American Museum of Natural History – Milstein Science Series – (2015)

• Presented simple marine biomechanics and locomotion concepts to a public audience of adults and children.

Cornell University – Expand Your Horizons – (2013 – 2014)

• Assisted and led scientific activities for a group of 15-20 7th grade girls.